Saturday, March 30, 2013

"After great pain a formal feeling comes"

   This poem reminds me of a lot of things, things that happen some time in our life. Pain is something to remember but the victory or lose over that pain is the real feeling we get, either happiness or sadness. Remembering the pain by itself gives us a feeling.
 Like I mentioned in my last blog, I love short poems because they are easier to understand than the lengthy ones. However the main thing I liked about this poem is the fact that it really touches our daily struggles, pains and different feelings.


  1. I really still don't get the poem even after discussing it in class but after reading your blog it makes a little more sense. I think what I gather from the poem is that even with a lot of pain we are eventually able to let go.

  2. I agree with alot of what you have to say. I think its unique how you chose to say that pain is something to remember for the victory or with the loss. Thats interesting point. We are all so prone to feeling pain. even in times of victory, we are reminded of the pain we had to receive in order to gain the victory. I also think that poem represents the feeling you get after you suffer great pain. Maybe for instance like when you lose someone you love, when their life is taken. It is a pain like no other, but when the pain seizes, a formal feeling overwhelms us. a numbing. a feeling that everyone is familiar with, but no one can quite describe.
